
In 2002 art took on a new meaning for Jane. Her youngest sister was murdered at the hands of a violent boyfriend and grief stymied her creativity. Then, one night Jane saw a beautiful sunset and asked God for a sign that her sister was OK. She began to see shapes in the clouds -- joyful feminine and angelic shapes, dancing, leaping, rejoicing and she knew her sister was joyful in heaven, surrounded by the incredible love of God.
Emmert began to paint these “Angel Cloud” shapes and eventually added her poetry to encourage and empower women and raise awareness and money for domestic violence organizations.

Love & Grief
I have survived life-changing hardships and still, I paint and write with joy because God pulled me out
of the deep valley of grief and turned the painful circumstances into powerful opportunities to grow,
using art and writing.

Love Letter From God
You are My masterpiece!
When I look at you,
I don't see your faults and failings--
I see your potential and MY plan for your life...
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Click Image to Read More
Love Letter From God

You Died, & I Wanted to Die, Too
This book of poignant prose represents Jane Latus Emmert’s personal walk through the dark tunnel of grief.
Although the grieving process is unique for each person, many of the emotions are universal.
Purchase on > Amazon
Grief Book
Angel Cloud Art
A touch of Heaven Here on Earth. I love that God sees a masterpiece in each of us. I picture Him
with a large paintbrush in His hand, mixing up wonderful colors and sweeping them across the canvas
of our lives. After my sister Amy passed away I started seeing shapes in the clouds -- joyful feminine
and angelic shapes, dancing, leaping, rejoicing and know that my sister is joyful in heaven, surrounded by the incredible love of God.

Life Is Oh-Too-Short
Life is oh-too-short to miss the chance to say I'm glad you're in my life.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #1

A Wise Woman
A wise woman lives within you and me.
Sometimes we ignore her...
sometimes her wisdom is drowned out
by noise, busyness and the neediness of others, but she waits, patiently, knowing we'll return for she is the best of all we are.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #3

When You Are Lonely
When you are lonely or sad
remember that those who love us
are nearer than we think.
Even though we cannot see them
they are watching over us
‘Grow, dream, believe!
We are not alone.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #5

Let Yourself Be Cradled
Let yourself be cradled in
the arms of those who love you.
We are never too old to be held
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #7

Keep Reaching For Your Dreams
Keep reaching for your dreams.
Don't stop believing in yourself.
I believe in you.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #9

Reach For The Stars
Reach for the stars, follow your
dreams and trust your instincts.
You are a strong, wise woman.
Trust yourself.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #11

You Are Both Friend & Sister To Me
You are both friend and sister to me.
Our hearts are one.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #13

In You, My Friend
Because of you, my friend,
I have a reason to smile again.
Thank you for being a blessing to me.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #15

We Grow Wiser
We grow wiser and more beautiful
As time and experience
flow through us.
We were cute when we were young but now, with wrinkles and a touch of gray we are exquisitely beautiful.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #2

"Dance!" said the wise old woman.
"Dance from your soul and
wise women everywhere
will dance with you."
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #4

Women Friends
The women friends joined hands and danced in a circle and the love and energy from their friendship rose
up to the heavens and formed the moon so that even on the darkest night no woman must walk alone.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #6

You Are Strong
You are strong and capable and
I see you rising up, speaking out
and shining forth.
I celebrate the wonder of you.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #8

I See Your Beauty
I see your beauty even
when you feel less-than-beautiful.
I see the loveliness
of your tender heart,
generous soul and sweet smile.
You are always beautiful to me.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #10

Joy! Joy! Joy!
Joy! Joy! Joy!
You fill my heart with joy.
Thank you for being you.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #12

When Your Faith Is Weak
When your faith is weak,
borrow mine.
I'm here to remind you
God sees, God knows, God cares.
© Jane Latus Emmert 2013
Angel Cloud #14